Friday 25 June 2010

Quick update in a cafe

I'm sat in a cafe, with a Saskatoon muffin and coke, trying to type this out within my 20 minute time limit. I've made it to Redvers, about 450km from Winnipeg. Hopefully I'll be in Winnipeg two days from now, which means (including today) 3 days of 150km each. Brutal, but I've discovered the secret to it. Eat LOADS. By that I mean, every 20 minutes or so, have 150 calories (about a single nutri-grain bar or apple). Keep doing that for hour upon hour, and you'll still be powering along. Bear in mind that I've been doing this for a month now, so my body is almost tolerating this.

I encountered something unexpected today. I stopped in a Subway for a late lunch, and was wearing my Royal Navy jersey and a Canadian naval cap that I was given at the start. When I was about to pull out my wallet to pay, the clerk said that the man before me had already paid for my sandwich. I was grinning for the next few hours on my bike - he never said a word to me, we were total strangers, but this act of blind kindness has really made my day.

On to Pipestone then for me, my 20 minute limit expired a while ago and my coke is all gone and I need to pee.

There're HUGE dark thunderclouds chasing me from the West, so I'd like to get the next 54km over and done with so I can cook food and hide from the horrific weather that this area has been experiencing.

Fortitudine Vincimus


  1. Nice to see Sir Ernest is with you, keep up the endurance. Dad X

  2. Gavin Pritchard28 June 2010 at 13:46

    Well done Ben, inspirational stuff. If only the England football team had your grit, focus and determination!! Keep clicking over the kilometers. Good luck, Gavin Pritchard

  3. I like the sandwich bit :p


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